Fist of all, thanks, Scawen, for all these updates!
I'll need a bit more time to think about the collision packet and usability of the contained info, but at a first sight it looks really interesting! An algorithm reliably detecting the car causing the crash would not be easy to develop, but I think this addition just makes it possible. I'll try to think about it.
The longer messages are a blast! I would be most happy even with 96 bytes, but 128 is just great.
Moving the traction control bit would be good, just as having the car damage info available (points 3 and 4), but I do not see those two as some pressing matters. If they are easy to add, good. If not, maybe rather add some more usable things. And, as I see it, these would be, starting with the most pressing ones:
1) Not really an InSim feature, but what I miss most in the whole LFS is a (simple)
admin command to cancel running kick/ban votes, something like /stopvote or whatever. It will not disable voting, it will just cancel the current vote. InSim apps can then apply various criteria, analyze who is voting against whom, and let the vote go or cancel it. BTW there's no InSim info about kick/ban votes, but the necessary data (what kind of vote it is, who votes, etc.) can be parsed from server messages, so it is not really needed.
2) Include into OutSim or maybe rather into
OutGauge an additional bit indicating that Ctrl+Shift is pressed on the client. This is used to change some buttons in LFS (nicknames/usernames), it would be great if also local InSim applications could provide this functionality. All that is needed is this one bit.
These two above I'd love to see in addition to the already provided changes, they'd be extremely useful, especially the vote canceling command. Of course there can be a whole bunch of other improvements, currently I see one more as a useful option:
3) Report somewhere, I guess the standard CompCar used in MCI would be good, so that no new special packet is needed, that the
car hit a wall or some other object, maybe even other car, in the elapsed period (since previous MCI). I do not know if this is possible though, if the server has such data actually available. But it would be good for detecting completely clean online laps, similar way HLVC does it for offline laps.
That's it from me. Thanks for considering the proposals. And big thanks for already implementing some of them.